
Ayten M, Díaz-Lezama N, Ghanawi H., Haffelder FC, Kajtna J, Straub T, Borso M, Imhof A, Hauck SM, Koch SF (2024): Metabolic plasticity in a Pde6bSTOP/STOP retinitis pigmentosa mouse model following rescue. Molecular Metabolism, PMID: 39032643

Ayten M, Straub T, Kaplan L, Hauck SM, Grosche A, Koch SF (2024): CD44 signaling in Müller cells impacts photoreceptor function and survival in healthy and diseased retinas. Journal of Neuroinflammation, PMID: 39095775

Pfaller AM, Kaplan L, Carido M, Grassmann F, Díaz-Lezama N, Ghaseminejad F, Wunderlich KA, Glänzer S, Bludau O, Pannicke T, Weber BHF, Koch SF, Bonev B, Hauck SM, Grosche A (2024). The glucocorticoid receptor as a master regulator of the Müller cell response to diabetic conditions in mice. Journal of Neuroinflammation, 25;21(1):33, PMID: 38273366

Jentzsch MC, Tsang SH, Koch SF (2023): A new preclinical model of retinitis pigmentosa due to Pde6g deficiency. Ophthalmology Science, Volume 3, Issue 4, PMID: 37363133

Díaz-Lezama N, Kajtna J, Wu J, Ayten M, Koch SF (2023): Microglial and macroglial dynamics in a model of retinitis pigmentosa. Vision Research, Volume 210, PMID: 37295269

Kajtna J, Tsang SH, Koch SF (2022): Late-stage rescue of visually guided behavior in the context of a significantly remodeled retinitis pigmentosa mouse model. Cell Mol Life Sci., 79(3):148, PMID: 35195763

Díaz-Lezama N, Wolf A, Koch S, Pfaller AM, Biber J, Guillonneau X, Langmann T, Grosche A. (2021): PDGF Receptor Alpha Signaling Is Key for Müller Cell Homeostasis Functions. Int J Mol Sci., 22(3):1174, PMID: 33503976

Wert KJ, Koch SF, Velez G, Hsu CW, Mahajan M, Bassuk AG, Tsang SH, Mahajan VB (2019): CAPN5 genetic inactivation phenotype supports therapeutic inhibition trials. Hum Mutat., 40(12):2377-2392, PMID: 31403230

Sancho-Pelluz J, Cui X, Lee W, Tsai YT, Wu WH, Justus S, Washington I, Hsu CW, Park KS, Koch S, Velez G, Bassuk AG, Mahajan VB, Lin CS, Tsang SH. (2019): Mechanisms of neurodegeneration in a preclinical autosomal dominant retinitis pigmentosa knock-in model with a RhoD190N mutation. Cell Mol Life Sci., 76(18):3657-3665, PMID: 30976840

Koch SF, Tsang SH (2018): Success of gene therapy in late-stage. Adv Exp Med Biol., 1074:101-107, PMID: 29721933

Koch SF, Duong JK, Hsu CW, Tsai YT, Lin CS, Wahl-Schott CA, Tsang SH (2017): Genetic rescue models refute nonautonomous rod cell death in retinitis pigmentosa. PNAS, 16;114(20):5259-5264, PMID: 28468800 Highlighted at F1000

Schön C, Asteriti S, Koch S, Sothilingam V, Garcia Garrido M, Tanimoto N, Herms J, Seeliger MW, Cangiano L, Biel M, Michalakis S. (2016). Loss of HCN1 enhances disease progression in mouse models of CNG channel-linked retinitis pigmentosa and achromatopsia. Hum Mol Genet., 15;25(6):1165-75, PMID: 26740549

Koch SF, Tsai YT, Duong JK, Wu WH, Hsu CW, Wu WP, Bonet-Ponce L, Lin CS, Tsang SH (2015): Halting progressive neurodegeneration in advanced retinitis pigmentosa. J Clin Invest. 125(9):3704-13, PMID: 26301813

Related commentary in J Clin Invest. (Hurley JB and Chao JR:It’s never too late to save a photoreceptor)

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Perera A, Eisen D, Wagner M, Laube SK, Künzel AF, Koch S, Steinbacher J, Schulze E, Splith V, Mittermeier N, Müller M, Biel M, Carell T, Michalakis S (2015): TET3 is recruited by REST for context-specific hydroxymethylation and induction of gene expression. Cell Rep., 11(2):283-94, PMID: 25843715

Arango-Gonzalez B, Trifunović D, Sahaboglu A, Kranz K, Michalakis S, Farinelli P, Koch S, Koch F, Cottet S, Janssen-Bienhold U, Dedek K, Biel M, Zrenner E, Euler T, Ekström P, Ueffing M, Paquet-Durand F (2014): Identification of a Common Non-Apoptotic Cell Death Mechanism in Hereditary Retinal Degeneration. PLoS One, 9(11), PMID: 25392995

Michalakis S, Koch S, Sothilingam V, Garrido MG, Tanimoto N, Schulze E, Becirovic E, Koch F, Seide C, Beck SC, Seeliger MW, Mühlfriedel R, Biel M (2014): Gene therapy restores vision and delays degeneration in the CNGB1(-/-) mouse model of retinitis pigmentosa. Adv Exp Med Biol., 801:733-9, PMID: 24664765

Michalakis S, Shaltiel L, Sothilingam V, Koch S, Schludi V, Krause S, Zeitz C, Audo I, Lancelot ME, Hamel C, Meunier I, Preising MN, Friedburg C, Lorenz B, Zabouri N, Haverkamp S, Garrido MG, Tanimoto N, Seeliger MW, Biel M, Wahl-Schott CA (2014): Mosaic synaptopathy and functional defects in Cav1.4 heterozygous mice and human carriers of CSNB2. Hum Mol Genet., 23(6):1538-50, PMID: 24163243

Michalakis S, Schäferhoff K, Spiwoks-Becker I, Zabouri N, Koch S, Koch F, Michael Bonin M, Biel M, Haverkamp S (2013): Characterization of neurite outgrowth and ectopic synaptogenesis in response to photoreceptor dysfunction. Cell Mol Life Sci., 70(10):1831, PMID: 23269435

Brandmayr C, Wagner M, Brückl T, Globisch D, Pearson D, Kneuttinger A, Reiter V, Koch S, Hienzsch A, Thoma I, Thumbs P, Michalakis S, Müller M, Biel M, Carell T (2012): Isotope based analysis of modified tRNA nucleosides correlates modification density with translational efficiency. Angew Chem Int Ed Engl., 1(44):11162-5, PMID: 23037940

Koch S, Sothilingam V, Garcia Garrido M, Tanimoto N, Becirovic E, Koch F, Seide C, Beck SC, Seeliger MW, Biel M, Mühlfriedel R, Michalakis S (2012): Gene therapy restores vision and delays degeneration in the CNGB1-/- mouse model of retinitis pigmentosa. Hum Mol Genet., 21(20):4486-96, PMID: 22802073

Michalakis S, Mühlfriedel R, Tanimoto N, Krishnamoorthy V, Koch S, Fischer MD, Becirovic E, Bai L, Huber G, Beck SC, Fahl E, Büning H, Schmidt J, Zong X, Gollisch T, Biel M, Seeliger MW (2012): Gene therapy restores missing cone-mediated vision in the CNGA3-/- mouse model of achromatopsia. Adv Exp Med Biol, 723:183-9, PMID: 22183332

Globisch D, Münzel M, Müller M, Michalakis S, Wagner M, Koch S, Brückl T, Biel M, Carell T (2010): Tissue distribution of 5-hydroxymethylcytosine and search for active demethylation intermediates. PLoS One, 5(12):e15367, PMID: 21203455

Michalakis S, Mühlfriedel R, Tanimoto N, Krishnamoorthy V, Koch S, Fischer MD, Becirovic E, Bai L, Huber G, Beck SC, Fahl E, Büning H, Paquet-Durand F, Zong X, Gollisch T, Biel M, Seeliger MW (2010): Restoration of cone vision in the CNGA3-/- mouse model of congenital complete lack of cone photoreceptor function. Mol Ther., 18(12):2057-63, PMID: 20628362

Michalakis S, Kleppisch T, Polta SA, Wotjak CT, Koch S, Rammes G, Matt L, Becirovic E, Biel M (2010): Altered synaptic plasticity and behavioral abnormalities in CNGA3-deficient mice. Genes Brain Behav., 10(2):137-48, PMID: 20846178